Advantages of Acquiring and Commissioning Art through a Gallery

  • I have relationships with exceptional Art Galleries,
  • There are many advantages for both of us to include a Gallery as a point person, to coordinate everything that has to be organized.
  • There is a significant advantage to the buyer in developing a relationship with Gallery Art Specialists … when collecting art from a Gallery, you will be purchasing art created by a professional artist who has been selected by that Gallery based on the quality, value and desirability of their art.  
  • Another advantage often not talked about is that some Galleries offer an option to purchase with installments, allowing you to pay a portion of the painting’s cost each month. 
  • One more great advantage is that your Gallery purchase is risk free… you will initially have your painting “on approval”, and if the painting is not up to your expectations, then the Gallery will provide a refund and the painting will be added to their exhibition inventory.  
  • The most important part of all of this to me as an Artist,  is when Gallery Art Experts handle all the details,  I get to focus on doing what I love … Painting!